Amelia is an author, speaker, and storyteller with a passion for connecting people to God and each other. She is the author of Pray A to Z: A Practical Guide to Pray for Your Community, and Isn't it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world. Her writing has been featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul, the international devotional The Upper Room, and devotionals by Guideposts. See the books page for info on each book. As an author and a speaker, Amelia has a passion for taking the everyday stories of life and connecting them with God's truths. Her style as a storyteller is personable and authentic and … Learn More about Welcome
Praise for Pray A to Z
Have you ever longed to pray more effectively for your community? Amelia Rhodes has written an outstanding resource that will help you to initiate prayerful conversations with God. Pray A to Z will assist you in covering important topics in an organized way that will enrich your time alone with God. You’ll want one copy for yourself and several more to give to your friends.
Speaker and Author, When I Lay My Issac Down (NavPress)
New Release!
Isn't it Time for a Coffee Break? Re-released!
Now available! In a culture that encourages you to curate your image, discover how to do deeper and develop authentic, Christ-centered friendships.
Click here to learn more!
Need a Speaker?

Amelia is available to speak at your next women's event, conference, or MOPS group. Amelia communicates with the heart of a friend who is going on a journey with you on topics of spiritual growth, prayer, perfectionism, anxiety, or a topic of your … Learn More about Speaking

6 Keys to Help You Thrive During Major Life Change
I stood on the back porch leaning against the house, shoulders drooped, hair covering my face as tears fell drip by drip onto the cement. I’d taken the trash out, but wasn’t quite ready to go back into the house. I was hoping I could also dump the trash in my soul right there on […]

7 Truths about Friendship During the Fledging Years {Giveaway!}
Today’s post comes from my friend Brenda Yoder who just released a book for parents titled Fledge: LaunchingYour Kids Without Losing Your Mind. It was my pleasure to not only endorse this book, but to also write the foreword for it (a first for me!). As a friend and mom who is a stage ahead of […]

How to Pray When You’re Stressed Out {plus a giveaway!}
I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Jessie Clemence. I first met Jessie a few years ago at a writers conference. Not long after, we ended up on the planning committee for said conference together. We worked through some nerve-wracking, stressful situations. (Conferences are not easy to plan! Especially when you want to do […]