This morning, we had one of those moments that parents of babies/toddlers/preschoolers dream about. I thought around 7:30 a.m. that I heard Little Miss Sunshine open her bedroom door. But then I thought maybe I was dreaming because she didn’t come into our room and wake us up/ask for breakfast/cuddle/tell a story/snooze like usual. I dozed back to sleep until about 8:00. The Narrator was stirring and expressed his surprise at what time it was and that no kids had woken us up yet. I told him I thought I’d heard Little Miss Sunshine get up at the usual time but wasn’t sure. Just as I was saying that, I heard her cough, and it sounded like it was coming from the living room. I got out of bed and padded down the hallway and saw Little Miss curled up on the couch. She looked up and me, smiled and said, “I was just waiting for you to get up!”
Be still my beating heart. And while I was so proud of her for being a big girl and letting us get a little extra sleep, I’m just a teensy bit sad because it also means she’s growing up so fast!!
awwww. so adorable. 🙂
That is so stinking cute!! I’m sure it was a hard moment though seeing her so sweet and trying to let you all sleep.