A few months ago, I came home and discovered big, beautiful pinecones scattered throughout the landscaping on our front lawn. Since we have no pine trees in our yard, I figured The Narrator must have picked them up somewhere. I went inside and complimented his landscaping addition. His reply confirmed yet one more reason as to why I love this man so much. “Little Miss Sunshine and I discovered that there’s a tree in the Toys ‘R Us parking lot that drops these big pinecones, so we picked up a bag full. I thought they’d look nice in the pine straw landscaping.” Sigh. Be still my heart.
A few weeks ago, I wanted to decorate a little bit for fall, so I pulled out a couple large glass bowls and thought they’d look nice filled with spanish moss and pinecones with a fall-ish ribbon tied around the bowl. And wouldn’t you know it, we just happened to “need” to make a trip to Toys ‘R Us for a birthday present anyway….. so I sat in the car while The Narrator, Little Miss Sunshine, and T-Rex picked up a grocery bag full of pinecones. It started to lightly drizzle and they had a BLAST gathering the pinecones. I insisted that I stay in the car to be the mall security lookout. Because, you know they might be upset that we are collecting these nice pinecones to put in bowls on our table….or something. The Narrator insists we are doing their mowers a favor. At any rate, I can’t help but smile every time I see the bowls of pinecones on the table. Eat your heart out JoAnns, this was much more fun than buying them!!
I love this story! I agree with the N, I think you are doing the landscapers a favor. And you’re recycling, how awesome is that?
Our neighbors have some really pretty pinecones in their yard, but they are the super-glue sticky kind. Seriously, the sap NEVER comes off your hands. Well, 3 days later maybe.