Just a quick post to let you all know that we have arrived safely in Michigan. The trip went smoothly and the kids did great (thanks in part to a new dvd player and lots of Dora and Diego videos!). Saying farewell to our friends was incredibly difficult, and I miss them all dearly already. It all seems a bit surreal and more like an extended vacation so far. Housemate asked me on chat “so now what?” It was a good question. Now The Narrator goes to work in an office and not Panera Bread. I unpack and do laundry and day by day we look for a new normal.
Welcome to the Great White North! (or something like that) Take your time getting settled!
I hope the new normal isn’t too hard to find. At least you’ve lived in Michigan before. I have found that the kids force me to get out and do things more than I usually would, but I’ve gotten to know my way around Bloomington a lot quicker that way. It might be May before we’re back in Michigan, but it would be great to get together. Praying that your house sells soon, too.
Welcome to the mitten, friends! Glad the trip went alright, and all are safe and sound!!!
Glad the traveling was okay – we are definitely getting a DVD player for our next long road trip! Have fun normalizing… 🙂