We’re gearing up for a couple big weeks around here. Christmas. Book release. Running a full marathon. Whew! I’m so thankful for and humbled by the doors that God has opened over the past year!
Last week I had the privilege of recording four radio programs as a panelist on the radio program Survival Skills for Everyday Living. Four of us discussed the principle of “listening.” You can listen to podcasts of the show here: http://www.survivalskillsforeverydayliving.com/podcast.html the programs will air (and new podcasts post with each day) today, Thursday and Friday. You will hear me on the programs with the title “The Principle of Listening.” We had some great conversations about what it really means to listen to people!
And I can hardly believe that two weeks from today my book Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world releases!
My hope and prayer is that this book will be a springboard that you and your friends can use this year to learn more about each other and invite others to sit at your friendship table. Will you please help me spread the word?
Facebook Status you could copy and paste:
My friend Amelia Rhodes has a book releasing two weeks from today! “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? Doing life together in an all-about-me kind of world” would be a great to read as a group of friends or with a small group. Learn more here: http://www.ameliarhodes.com/books/isnt-it-time-for-a-coffee-break/
Twitter post you could copy and paste:
My friend @amrhodes has a book releasing in 2 wks! “Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break?” Learn more here: http://tinyurl.com/cga3sxu
Thank you all for your help! I hope you have been enjoying these daily photos with quotes from the book. Many thanks to my friend Jen for sharing her beautiful photography!
Amelia, I am thinking of you and praying for you as the days roll by! I am looking forward to getting my team game on for your book launch as soon as this week ends. We have been gone non-stop. Praying health and joy for each of you. Much joy! Cheering for you!