[pinit] Monday, at 7:57 a.m., while the kids struggled with boots and snow pants and hats and mittens, I had this nagging feeling that I was forgetting something. This time of year I always feel like I’m forgetting something. ‘Tis the season to remember all you don’t have. Not enough time. Not enough energy. Not […]
Beauty from Ordinary
[pinit] There’s a 16 x 20 foot patch of dirt in my backyard that will never win any awards for beauty. It’s ordinary. Rather ugly even. Yet, every year from this plain, ordinary, brown patch of dirt– beauty grows. Not just beauty in the form of plants and blooms – but food that sustains us. […]
Grace on the floor
[pinit] By the third day of school, jet lag had fully caught up to us. It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed while my body screamed that it was only 3 a.m. in California. Nevertheless, the kids had a bus to catch. Little Miss stared into space over her bowl […]
Summer hath kicked my booty
Summer has kicked my booty, and we’ve still got 4 1/2 weeks to go. I’ll be honest, when one of my friends on Facebook posted a countdown to school starting, I cried happy tears. Mostly, I was happy to know I’m not the only one who is ready. For some reason, we get it in […]
A fun summer activity for family bonding (and learning!)
This is year two for our summer journals. I kept the journals that they made below from last year and we will keep writing in them this summer. How fun to keep a running summer journal and see the progress of each child over the years in their handwriting, storytelling and artwork? Not to mention […]
10 things to keep in your car for better summer adventures
[pinit] Confession: I’m a type-A planner who lives by lists and who struggles with spontaneity. Shocking. I know. I married a non-planner who loves spontaneity. You know the kind. They throw everything into a suitcase the night before a trip, possibly even the morning of and never even make a checklist. *Gasp.* Meanwhile, I’ve made […]