Have you ever sat down with your Bible and wished you could understand more of what it means? Do you sometimes wonder how the Bible can relate to your life today? Even though I grew up in church, attended a Christian high school, a Christian university, and have read through the Bible cover to cover, […]
6 tips for reading through the entire Bible
[pinit] I was in high school when I first read through the entire Bible for myself. Having grown up in church, I thought I already knew a lot about the Bible. When I told my youth pastor about my quest to read the Bible in one year, he warned me that getting through some of […]
3 ways God’s Word is like a cover crop
A week ago I meandered through my freshly tilled garden with an eight-pound bag of rye seed resting on my hip. I scooped handfuls of the seed and sifted it through my hands watching it drop into the soft, dark earth. This was my first attempt to plant a cover crop for winter. I […]
Memory Verses A-Z
It’s hard to believe that 2011 is nearly over. For me, it was a year of taking big steps forward in fulfilling some writing dreams. God met me in some exciting ways, and one of those meetings occurred this past summer when I met my new friend Cindy at the Speak Up with Confidence Seminar […]