I live in a magical world. I put a small white box on my head, and I transform into a singing, dancing pirate. My trusty little companions and I set sail in a cardboard box on the high seas fending off alligators with a kitchen spoon. When our boat takes on water, we swim safely […]
Friday Funnies
Every night while I am helping Little Miss Sunshine get into bed she looks at me and says, “Mama, you need to get all jammied!” I love it. If I ever market my own line of pajamas that will totally be my slogan. “Get all jammied.” T-Rex LOVES to be tickled. So much so, in […]
Friday Funnies
Having kids in your life, whether they are your own, nieces or nephews, neighbors or friends adds such joy to your life. What I’m finding to be the best at the age we are at is the developing vocabulary and conversational skills. I’m seeing the world and relationships through a whole new light, or maybe […]
And I quote…
“How was your work today, Daddy? Did you meet Huckabee?” (getting up from bed for the 3rd time) “Are you popping popcorn? Are you watching a movie? Why?” “Because that’s what we do after you go to bed.” “Why? Do you not have enough projects?” (to her 2 year old friend) “How are you doing […]
Fast? Food?
Who knew that a fast food restaurant could be so much fun? Or that you could spend two hours there when you just went for dinner? And no, I’m not talking about waiting for your food at Arby’s! I’m referring to the ever-fabulous Chick-fil-a. It’s become a new favorite around here. We don’t eat out […]