So I gave up life as a rock star. I couldn’t handle the fame and crush of the paparazzi. I have returned to my alter ego of Story Girl – Momma and seamstress extraordinaire.
Actually, I’m racing toward the finish line – which means stepping on a plane – in just less than 2 weeks. It’s been in the 50’s here in the mornings and evenings. The other day we were headed out and Little Miss Sunshine buried her head in her sweatshirt and muffled “BRRR! It’s cooooold!” She has no idea. Every time we remind her that we’re going to Michigan and Ohio in a couple weeks she exclaims wide eyed “I’m going to see SNOOOOW!!” Most likely.
I’ve been hugging my sewing machine for awhile now. A Very Social Friend came over on Monday and we sewed for 7 hours, then I did a few more after she left. I wish I could say it was 7 hours straight, but we had the two toddlers so every 15 minutes we had a snack or potty break. The kids were really great though and we all had fun. I’ve been teaching Very Social Friend how to sew and she is cranking out the projects.
Since just before Thanksgiving, my sewing machine/serger has turned out 15 baby blankets and burp cloths, about 30 bibs, 8 pairs of toddler pj’s, 4 pairs of adult pj pants, a dozen simple fabric bags to wrap gifts in and 3 other things I can’t mention because the recipients are old enough to read and hang around here. I had to give myself a deadline of this Saturday. Creativity breeds creativity, and as I’ve been humming along I keep adding to my list things that would be so cool to make. I’m really on a roll and I have a cabinet full of fabric and no reason to stop. But I must or I would sew all year and never stop. So all I have yet to do this week is one more pj t-shirt, and I’d really like to work this hot pink and black houndstooth fabric into some pants for me, since it will actually be cold enough up north to wear them. But I’m nervous because I’ve never attempted fitting non-drawstring pants for me post-baby. Hmm. Could be depressing.
And now, we are off to the Dollar Store.