Today, was a brilliantly sunny, happy day. This morning, the kids and I stood on our new street watching a digger begin to carve out the foundation for our new home. The construction worker waved at us as we happily stood next to our car imagining the fun we will have on this street starting this summer. We’ve been waiting a long time for this. March 31 marks one year that we left Florida and moved in with my gracious in-laws, one year that my kids have been such good sports sharing a small bedroom, one year of waiting and praying and doing our best to make good decisions for our future. And now, the foundation is being laid.
I looked up and down the street at all the new homes being built. One is complete and waiting for a buyer. Another lot has a sold sign and is waiting for a foundation. Another is being roofed, another being framed. So much potential is being developed on our new street. I found myself praying for a good foundation for our new community – that this would be a street where people felt physically and emotionally safe, that this would be a street where neighbors love each other and surround each other in times of joy and of need, that this would be a street where our doors are open to each other, that this would be a street where children are friends and treat each other well, that this would be a community that makes God smile.