We woke up this morning, and it seemed that overnight the trees have all bloomed. As I headed to the eye doctor (AGAIN), I wanted to get out every block and take pictures. After living in Florida for nearly 6 years, I don’t think I will ever take for granted the beauty of spring and fall. These transitional seasons are so short, but packed with beauty. I’m afraid to blink in fear I’ll miss something.
Last year this time, I posted Spring Reawakening, and I found my words just as true this year as we still wait (sometimes) patiently for the conclusion of our own transition period. Last week was a long, dreary, cold week. The blooms today were a vibrant reminder that rain is necessary to bring new life from the dormant ground. The storms refresh the earth bringing vital nutritents as God works to make all things new again. And so, for one more spring – I stand in the rain, accepting that this transition period has been good for my growth. It’s been vital for the lessons I have learned – in patience and faith and fortitude and simplicity. God is bringing new life from my dormant soul.