Last week, I attended the Breathe Christian Writers Conference, and once again, I walked away inspired and encouraged to keep writing and offering my very best efforts to God and to you, the readers He has entrusted to me. One of my lifelong struggles has been a battle with perfectionism. Whenever I speak and […]
Breathe Conference
Breathe 2014
The Pray A to Z series will continue on Thursday. Are you caught up? If not, click here for all the posts. I look forward to two events all year long – my birthday and the Breathe Christian Writers Conference. When my friend Susie Finkbeiner and I first attended the Breathe Conference four years ago, […]
Got Goals?
I’ve often heard this Zig Ziglar quote at business and leadership conferences: Aim for nothing and you will hit it every time. I’ve never been much of a goal setter, which is amazing considering I am an incredibly task-oriented person. I’m the kind of person who makes a list that includes things I’ve already done just […]
What I learned about writing at Breathe
Ever had one of those moments where you wonder why in the world you thought you could do something? Fear, doubt, and discouragement fill your head with lies and you’re tempted to walk out the door and never look back? A year ago, that’s how I felt about writing. I’d been blogging and submitting things […]