Doing Life Together Refreshes Weary Hearts
I don’t ever remember a summer that’s been as dry and hot as this one. Our neighborhood is filled with yard after yard lacking color, drained of life. My life has felt the same way over the past few weeks. Dry. Cracked. Lacking color. Drained of life. I’d been pushing through, reprimanding myself for weeks […]
Welcome Home Grandpa!
Mother’s Day, May 8, this year, Kedron’s grandfather had a stroke. He was 82. On that Monday, I pulled Little Miss out of school to go to the hospital to see him. A large number of family gathered around his bed to see him before he headed back for surgery. It was risky, and there […]
So what do you think?
The voice on the other end of the phone grew quiet when I asked about her husband. She was a dear friend and mentor of mine, but we lost touch after I moved 1,200 miles away. I had just caught her up on our life post-move and the news of our first pregnancy. The awkward […]
Then Came Marriage – part 2
After our week-long honeymoon, we stopped by my parents house to break up the trip back to Michigan as well as pick up a few of my things. It was an odd feeling to return to my childhood home for the first time as a married woman. I felt so….grown up… and yet still like […]
Then Came Marriage – part 1
This is a continuation of my love story with my husband Kedron. In the series Young Love Letters I shared how we met, dated, and got married. Then Came Marriage will chronicle the early years of our marriage. Young Love Letters left off with us dashing off for our honeymoon (and then turning around for […]