[pinit] By the third day of school, jet lag had fully caught up to us. It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed while my body screamed that it was only 3 a.m. in California. Nevertheless, the kids had a bus to catch. Little Miss stared into space over her bowl […]
A Plan for Simple Summer Hospitality
[pinit] I love to have people over to our house. I am a terrible hostess, and I always forget something important. I also prefer not to spend the entire time in the kitchen or cleaning up. I am, however, all about the eating and laughing. Sometimes at the same time. Which is interesting. But at […]
Young Love Letters – part 1 & 2
[pinit] Today, I celebrate 16 years of marriage to this amazing and handsome man. Oh the adventures we’ve had. From Michigan to Florida and back. Two fun kiddos, one scary birth. Health scares. Depression. Anxiety. This writing life. We were so young when we said “I do.” We had no idea that what we were […]
How I’m trying not to be a Valentines Day Scrooge
Oh Valentines Day. Sigh. I loved Valentines Day in elementary school. The cards, the candy, the Valentine Box contest. When I was in the fourth grade we had a contest for the most creative Valentines Box. The teacher tasked us with designing and coming up with our own box hold all our Valentines cards and […]
Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate!
Tuesday evening I had the pleasure of sharing with the women at Walloon Lake Community Church in Northern Michigan about “Spreading the Aroma of God’s Love.” This was one of the most FUN women’s events I have ever been to, and the planning committee did such a fantastic job. If you’re ever looking for a […]
Love one another
Just six days until Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? releases!