Little Miss had unzipped her backpack to add one more thing for school the next day when the wailing began. “OH NO!! My bunny! His tail got caught in the zipper and now he has a big hole!” She held the hole-y bunny in one hand and the tail in the other as big tears […]
Stumbling in the Dark
I jumped out of bed at the first sound of my name at 3 a.m. I rushed through the hallway toward my four-year-old boy’s bedroom when I suddenly found myself lying on the floor gripping a throbbing shin. Someone had left a large wooden stool in the hallway, and I had tripped over it badly […]
Stories from the Piano
* Don’t forget to leave a comment on the post Expecting to win a copy of Marla Taviano’s pregnancy prayer guide! ** If you’re wondering where the next installment of Young Love Letters is, it’s coming! The next part I’m finding a bit tricky and it’s stuck inside my head. I also was gone last […]
** This is a book review and give away! I just thought I should make that clear before rumors started circulating the internets that I was pregnant or something! I’m thrilled to offer a copy of Marla Taviano‘s beautiful book Expecting: Praying for your child’s development – body and soul. From the back cover: Just […]
Our Circle of Friends
Not long ago, a friend introduced me to the community at Our Circle of Friends. It’s a wonderful site where women share encouragement and devotionals with each other. I’m honored to share a story there today about what happened when two mothers prayed. And if you’re visiting from Our Circle of Friends, welcome! Thank you […]
Where were you for Blizzard 2011?
Yesterday made me question our judgment of leaving Florida. Just a bit. It took my husband a couple hours to dig us out of the 18 inches of snow on our driveway. It was a good day to be a mom. I kept the water going on the stove refilling mugs of hot chocolate and […]