We were sitting at a high school football game a few weeks ago when Kedron stood up and walked over to the fence behind the bleachers. He yelled at a group of middle school boys, “BREAK IT UP!! NOW!!!” The group looked at him shocked, and then looked around as if asking, “Who? Us?” Four […]
Saying Yes to God
It’s been a busy few weeks in our household. We’re in the third week of school, and the routine is setting in for everyone. I’ve talked to a few other moms and we all agree – we feel like we live in the kitchen. Breakfast served, breakfast cleared, pack lunches, get everyone out the door, […]
First Day stories
I’ve never heard T-Rex giggle so much. Ever. Apparently it was a great first day of school. How could it not be? We started out with blueberry pancakes topped with strawberries! T-Rex didn’t say hardly a word at breakfast and gulped his pancakes down so fast. Little Miss had to be constantly reminded to stop […]
Why I won't cry on Tuesday
Or at least not cry for very long! These two cuties are headed to school on Tuesday. For T-Rex, it’s his first time going to school. Riding the bus. Eating lunch in the cafeteria. All day. Three days a week. Last week we met the teachers and delivered the school supplies. We were running out […]
Huh? Was that intuition?
One thing I’m learning in my few short years of motherhood is to trust my intuition, even when the “experts” say I’m wrong. When it comes to my kids – I’m the expert. Over the past couple years, Kedron and I have wondered if T-Rex’s hearing was 100%. We started to wonder when he was […]
Who are you following?
My running partner Jen and I recently ran our first trail race. For ten miles, we hopped logs, jumped little streams, dodged rocks and climbed hills. It was the most strenuous and rewarding ten miles I have ever run. Three years ago, I never would have imagined that I could run a race like that […]