There are a few moments in parenting time that seems to stand still. It’s like I’m watching things in slow motion, trying to soak up every moment thinking, “THIS is what I’ve been waiting for.” It’s occurred a few times – like when Little Miss had some dental work done and didn’t fuss or shed a single tear. Then there was the morning that hubby and I slept in and when we got up, both kids were fully dressed and playing quietly in their room. Sweet bliss!!
This evening was one of those times where I stepped back and was amazed. Our children go from infants needing help for absolutely everything, to children who can think and reason and carry on deep conversations with ease in a short number of years. We had taken the kids to see their Papa do a magic show at a local church tonight. During the program he had presented the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We’ve been talking about that in our home for a few weeks as we have studied it in our Bible study and at church. Tonight, Little Miss was rehearsing the story back to us, and then asked how people know about Jesus. So we were explaining how the disciples, with God’s direction, wrote the story of Jesus in the Bible so we could read it and how people just keep telling people who keep telling people. She then asked if she could tell people. “Absolutely, honey! You definitely can tell people about Jesus.” She replied with, “Let’s practice. You pretend you’re the kid and I’ll be the mom.”
And so I started asking questions. Who was Jesus, where did He come from, what is sin, why does it matter if I sin, does God care if I sin? What happened when Jesus died? Where is He now? Wow, did she answer. As we kept going, I decided not to hold back and really grill her, complete with questions about the trinity. I was amazed how with simple, yet profound, child-faith she was never rattled, and answered everything so sincerely. And if she didn’t know the answer she’d say, “I don’t know, sweetie. I haven’t read that chapter in the Bible yet!”
My heart swelled and I thanked God for His presence in her life and for her sincere love for Him. I prayed that this love for Him will continue her whole life and that she’d be able to share His love with others as naturally as she breathes – that He would be so much a part of her that His love seeps out of her gracefully and continually. This love and faith is what we prayed for since before her birth. I know the road isn’t guaranteed to be easy. It never is, and Jesus didn’t promise that. But He did promise His presence and His help. And that is what I pray she will recognize her whole life.
** I really have to thank the leaders at Bible Study Fellowship. Over the past 2 years, they have partnered with us as parents in teaching God’s Word to our kids. This year we have all studied the book of John, and I can never begin to express how deep the kids program goes. Those teachers love the kids and pray for them every week. And it shows. I’ve volunteered a couple times and have been so blessed and amazed to see even 18-month-old children sit still for a short story about Jesus from the Bible, and their eagerness to touch the Bible and hear God’s true words. Bible Study Fellowship has groups across the globe, and their programs are for men, women, and children starting at 2 weeks old through high school. Everyone studies the same passage – so your entire family can be studying the same lessons each week. That makes it so much easier to have conversations day in and day out with your kids because you KNOW what they are being taught and you’ve studied it yourself as well. So, thank you dear leaders and volunteers who give each week to my kids. We are blessed by your gift of love.
Praise God! That is awesome!! And I have totally agree with you about BSF~what a blessing!
We’re excited for this fall!!!
P.S. I just love the kid questions even when I don’t know how to answer them. The other day Paislee asked me why God made people since he has the angels to be his friends.
Erica – so glad you’ve been enjoying BSF too! I only wish I could have started years ago!
K&C – We can’t wait to have you join us this fall too!! yeah!!! Aww, that’s just too sweet of Paislee’s question! What a doll. This age of questions is so much fun. It makes me think a lot!
Wonderful! Thank you for sharing these clear evidences of God’s grace in her life. What a joy!