My children gave me imperfectly perfect gifts this weekend. With puffed up chests, they presented the evidence of their undying love for me (or at least until they turn 12!). T-Rex was so excited about the painting he made in school, that he had to tell me about it right away, finishing the conversation with, “But the teacher wouldn’t let us bring it home yet, because it’s supposed to be a surprise.” He was so excited, he just couldn’t keep the gift to himself. He had to share it with me immediately.
Something tragic happens to us between elementary school and adolescence — we lose the unreserved, unashamed, passionate offering of our gifts. We begin to doubt our abilities and compare ourselves to others. Instead of reaching out in love and offering what we have back to God and to those around us, we crawl inside and keep it all safely hidden.
Maybe once upon a time we were rejected, denied, or made fun of. Somehow, we’re made to feel unworthy.
I’ve caught myself, and many other women, discrediting our gifts with statements like,
- “Oh, but I can’t do it as good as she can.”
- “Well, I’m not a professional.”
- “I enjoy it, but I’m just ok at it.”
My friends, your gift is good enough. It’s good enough to share. So get out there and use it. It doesn’t matter if you think Sally-down-the-street can do it better. The world needs not just Sally-down-the-street, but you too. If I, as a loving parent, absolutely adore the gifts my children bring me, how much more does your Heavenly Father adore the gifts you bring to Him?
If you are doing the best of your ability, with love and passion and purpose, what more is there? Your gift is good enough. It’s worthy to be shared. You are worthy to offer it.
*Congratulations to Lisa L. who won the DVD copy of Cindy Bultema‘s Day of Discovery program “He Loves Me.”
Yay!!!!! Was just watching it online and wanting to get a copy of it!!! (: What a wonderful way to end my mother’s day!!!
What a beautiful painting!!! That one is frame worthy for sure!
Ahh….the blessings and gifts of motherhood…Hope your day was special!
Fear that we’re not good enough can be crippling! I’ve been talking about this on my blog as well. In my bible study last week we talked about how perfect love drives out fear. Oh to be courageous!
Oh no did we miss Cindy’s story on Day of Discovery? Can it still be viewed somewhere?