Last Thursday through Saturday I attended the Speak Up Conference. I’ll have to tell you more about it at a later date, because right now when I try to form coherent thoughts, my mushy brain can only say things like asdflkjhi234dlkjg. Exactly. Mush. However, I have a treat for you today! One of the fun […]
Coffee Break
It’s time for a coffee break – avoiding the summer B’s (vlog)
Today, I’m hosting my first ever virtual coffee break! So grab something to drink and let’s chat about how to avoid the sting of the summer “B’s,” not to be confused with “bees.” Join the conversation in the comments below after you watch the video. I’d love to know how you avoid the sting of […]
Simple steps to host your own coffee break group
It’s been such a joy to hear stories from women across the country about how they are sharing Isn’t it Time for a Coffee Break? with their friends. I’m incredibly humbled and forever grateful that you all are sharing this message with others. Some of these groups are meeting to discuss the book in coffee […]
All things new
I woke up to birds chirping this morning and the sun shining. Those are big deals around here, considering last week we had rain, snow and hail all on one day. I dug in the dirt in my garden this weekend. Even planted a few seeds. I’m reminded that the seasons do eventually change, and […]
How to help community happen
Over the weekend, a group of us gathered in my favorite coffee shop to shoot a video to promote my book. (I can’t wait to show you the final product!) I watched, in awe, as community spontaneously combusted around me. It’s one thing to write a book about doing life together. It’s another thing to […]
Reviews and Events
I just wanted to take a quick moment to let you know about a couple things. The West Michigan Christian News has posted a nice interview and review of my book online here: “Coffee Break with Amelia Rhodes.” Many thanks to Ann Byle for the nice write up. If you’ve never checked out the West […]