[pinit] I love to have people over to our house. I am a terrible hostess, and I always forget something important. I also prefer not to spend the entire time in the kitchen or cleaning up. I am, however, all about the eating and laughing. Sometimes at the same time. Which is interesting. But at […]
Canning peaches
This is how I spent my day yesterday, with more to come today. 46 quarts of peaches, 5 jars of jam, 6 pints of syrup. Peaches are a lot like babies. They need a lot of attention. Right. Now. 1/2 bushel is crying for attention this morning…
Wonder Bubbles
If you haven’t entered the drawing yet for a copy of Cecil Murphey’s book Unleash the Writer Within, do so here! Nothing draws a crowd of neighbor kids like a giant tub of bubbles. Well, with the exception of juggling fire, but that’s a story for another day. I grew up in a family filled […]
Food on Fridays
A few weeks ago while we were in South Haven, Michigan, we stopped into the Olive Cart, who according to their website, are “purveyors of superb flavored olive oils, balsamic vinegars and olive products.” According to me they are, “Oh. My. Word. The most amazing store filled with balsamic vinegars, olive oils, and lots and […]
Zucchini/Squash Parmigiana
*There’s still time to enter the drawing for Carol Kent’s Between a Rock and a Grace Place! Kedron loves, loves, loves eggplant parmigiana. Unfortunately, my 4 eggplant plants (is that how you write that?!) failed this year. I have giant plants, but no fruit. Bummer. However, I have tons (almost literally) of zucchini and squash. […]
Garden Sandwiches (aka Banh Mi)
My garden is growing like crazy these past few weeks. We’ve had some very hot, humid days and a few rain showers which is the perfect recipe for Michigan gardening goodness. I can’t believe I actually have a growing, producing garden. I’m rather ignorant in the ways of gardening, but with the help of my […]