I was excited to read The Mediterranean Love Plan: 7 Secrets to Life-Long Passion in Marriage, by Steve and Misty Arterburn – and honestly a bit skeptical too. I know marriage can’t be boiled down to just 7 secrets. It also doesn’t depend on grand adventures and mystery. A lot of marriage is routine, day […]
The Mark of the King {Giveaway}
I’m on a mission this year to read more books and to read widely across fiction and non-fiction genres. (Find me on goodreads here! I’ve read 6 books in January already!) But if I’m honest, historical fiction always has and always will be my favorite genre to read. I’m super excited to tell you about […]
Refresh – a new devotional
Several years ago, a childhood friend discovered her baby would be born with multiple health challenges and special needs. I watched and prayed from afar, wishing I lived down the street so I could babysit her older children and take her family homemade meals. I cried and praised God as her local community did all […]
Christmas Gift Guide for Books {and a giveaway}
Books make the best gifts! Of all the things I’ve been given over the years, books are the gifts that I keep forever. I’m especially reminded of this as we are in the process of moving and we have more boxes of books than anything else (including furniture!). I’ve compiled some of my favorite books […]
Big News!
I’m excited to announce that last week I signed a book contract with Worthy Publishing to write a book on praying for your community. With all the events of the past weeks in the world around us, I feel the urgency to pray for my neighbors, my community, and the world around me more than […]
Shared Moments {A Giveaway for “A Cup of Dust”}
I’m so delighted to share a story with you today from my dear friend Susie Finkbeiner. Susie was my very first writer friend. We met almost 6 years ago when I attended my first writers conference. In this picture, we’re celebrating the release of Susie’s third novel, A Cup of Dust. It’s a novel from […]