Little Miss, who’s in 3rd grade this year, came home with a story she wrote for school the other day. The premise was to write a story about what might happen if your pet came to school. Except, we don’t have any pets (tragic, I know). So not only did she have to write a […]
When cancer comes to dinner
[pinit] A few weeks ago, we heard the words you never want to hear. You have cancer. Kedron was diagnosed with pappilary thyroid cancer. Thankfully, this is a treatable form of cancer. The doctor looked him in the eyes and said, “We fully expect to cure you.” But it still is cancer. It still changes […]
What makes your life a legacy?
[pinit] I crushed a handful of crackers into my soup, and as I brushed the crumbs from my fingers into the bowl, thoughts of you flooded my mind. I remembered the day we ate chili at a restaurant. You showed me how to crush crackers inside the package and then pop it open to dump […]
Grace on the floor
[pinit] By the third day of school, jet lag had fully caught up to us. It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed while my body screamed that it was only 3 a.m. in California. Nevertheless, the kids had a bus to catch. Little Miss stared into space over her bowl […]
The treasure underneath your feet
In an act of wild adventure, we spent the last 12 days of summer vacation in Southern California. The last 12 days as in we arrived home at 12:30 a.m. and the kids started school at 8 a.m. We squeezed all we could out of this summer. To be honest, we wouldn’t have intentionally tortured […]
New Beginnings
[pinit] Fall has always been one of my favorite times of year. For me, September has always felt like the time for new beginnings and new resolutions, more so than January. It’s a season of making new friends and re-connecting with old ones, whether at school, church, Bible studies, book clubs, or the countless other […]