Summer has kicked my booty, and we’ve still got 4 1/2 weeks to go. I’ll be honest, when one of my friends on Facebook posted a countdown to school starting, I cried happy tears. Mostly, I was happy to know I’m not the only one who is ready. For some reason, we get it in […]
5 ways to slow down this summer
[pinit] How can this be the last week of June already?! It seems like school just got out last week, but here we are at the end of June. If you’re like me, the days often feel long, but the weeks slip through your fingers like sand. Here are a few things we’ve done this […]
Your kids don’t need you to entertain them (a.k.a. the mud puddle escapade)
[pinit] I had visions of greatness in my head for this summer. I was going to make every minute count. We would have great adventures (my car is even packed for it). We would be crafty and make fun things. We would go to the library every week, actually finish the reading program and get […]
A fun summer activity for family bonding (and learning!)
This is year two for our summer journals. I kept the journals that they made below from last year and we will keep writing in them this summer. How fun to keep a running summer journal and see the progress of each child over the years in their handwriting, storytelling and artwork? Not to mention […]
10 things to keep in your car for better summer adventures
[pinit] Confession: I’m a type-A planner who lives by lists and who struggles with spontaneity. Shocking. I know. I married a non-planner who loves spontaneity. You know the kind. They throw everything into a suitcase the night before a trip, possibly even the morning of and never even make a checklist. *Gasp.* Meanwhile, I’ve made […]
It’s time for a coffee break – avoiding the summer B’s (vlog)
Today, I’m hosting my first ever virtual coffee break! So grab something to drink and let’s chat about how to avoid the sting of the summer “B’s,” not to be confused with “bees.” Join the conversation in the comments below after you watch the video. I’d love to know how you avoid the sting of […]